Club Events
Roast Day
Our famous Sunday Roast Lunch. Presented on the third Sunday of every second month beginning in February (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug and Oct). All welcome to fly in or drive $25 a head, kids eat free.
RSVP essential.
Two roast meats (yes, you can have both), roasted pumpkin, honeyed carrots, roast potatoes, peas, gravy, bread and butter.
But wait.... there's more....
A wonderful selection of homemade desserts prepared by our lovely ladies. All this for only $25 a head, kids eat free (must be accompanied by an adult).
Our resident Barista is just waiting to make you a cappuccino or tea and if you're not piloting - we have a fine selection of beer, wine and pre-mixed drinks from our licensed bar. We also have a large selection of soft drinks (including sugar free) and chilled bottled water as well.
So if you're flying or driving to our friendly club for lunch, we would really appreciate an RSVP.
Friday Night Drinks
For a perfect end to the week join us and all your aviation friends for a relaxing evening. Visitors are most welcome.
Second and fourth Friday's of the month are EMAC's drinks night at our club rooms. Licensed bar, no BYO
We are currently serving the best toasted sandwiches with great fillings.
$5 a head, kids eat free. Please let us know you're coming by booking.